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South Portland Middle School Asbestos Abatement

PBC Environmental / Asbestos Abatement  / South Portland Middle School Asbestos Abatement

South Portland Middle School Asbestos Abatement

We are excited to showcase one of our latest projects abating asbestos from and demolishing the former South Portland Middle School making room for the new facilities.

Our team has worked tirelessly to ensure the safe removal of asbestos and the proper demolition of the former South Portland Middle School. This project marks a significant step towards creating a new and innovative space for our community. The new facilities will not only enhance the area but also provide a modern and sustainable environment for learning and growth. We are proud to be part of this transformation and look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on the community.


The school’s new building features modern, energy-efficient infrastructure such as 532 solar panels on the roof and exterior walls, expected to produce 180 kilowatts of power. Additionally, the building includes systems to gather rainwater for irrigating the nearby sports fields.

Our gratitude extends to Shaw Brothers Construction and Harvey Construction for including us in the project team.

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